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A Math Program to Bring Out Your Baby's Natural Potential


An Opportunity Not To Be Missed

Early Learning.  Why is it important?  

As you can see in this diagram, a child's brain in the first years is developing at lightning speed and can absorb more information than at any other time in their lifetime. 

The more they learn, the more neural connections they form and keep,  which is the key in optimizing brain development.


The Younger You Start the Faster They Learn

Because the brain is developing so fast in the first few years, the rate at which children can absorb information is also the fast.

It is especially during the first 3 years that children have a natural ability to develop these 5 areas:
  • Language
  • Math
  • Music
  • Photographic Memory
  • Self-trust
Source: An Introduction to The Institute of Human Potential with Founder and Early Right Brain Education Pioneer and Expert Glenn Doman

Wee Sync Early Learning Math Program

Time of essence?  Here is the fastest way to teach young learners math

Convenience at Your Fingertips

A simple and easy early learning math program for busy parents that helps you teach math in just a few minutes a day.  No fancy or costly materials. No clean up.  Fun and fast learning with everything you need.
Boy Playing with Blocks


What Parents Are Saying

I'm a doctor and I cannot believe I didn't know about this kind of learning.  Yes we learn about brain development and all of that but who knew that learning could be done like this.  It all makes perfect sense.

Dr. Sheheen Dadani

We homeschool so I am always looking for new teaching ideas and I'm just blown away.  I don't think that many parents are aware of these techniques but it seems that my 3 year old Liam is caught up to his 6 year old brother in math. If only I knew sooner.

Myoko Wolfe

I was skeptical but because Fatima was such a good friend I trusted her and tried it out with my one and a half year old and I was literally shocked.  I called Fatima the day Kayla recognized the difference between 15 and 16. 

Lebo Manabolo

It's so easy to begin

Click, Purchase and Download to Get Started

A Complete Math Program.png
A Whole-Brain Learning Model To Bring out Your Child's Innate Potential
From 0-5 years

1 Minute Daily Lessons 
2 Learning Cycles
10 Teaching Principles
Flashcard Teaching Video
Easy to follow Math Chart 

All Printables Provided

BONUS: 24 Week Abacus Program FREE

Your child will learn numbers 1-100, mental math calculations, critical thinking, skip counting by 10, 5 and
2 and so much more...

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