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VP Mega Bundle

Visual processing skills develop the same way as our motor skills are developed; with practice and use.  However, if these skills do not develop naturally, children can end up struggling to read, comprehend, focus and become frustrated where their behaviors end up mimicking learning disorders and can lead to misdiagnosis. .  This Visual Processing Bundle has ALL of the different kinds of exercises your child may need to strengthen their visual processing abilities.  This bundle can not only help develop these skills in young learners before preschool, but serves to improve skills in learners who are already struggling with reading and comprehension in school and bring them on track.  The exercises and games are fun and only take 5-10 minutes a day. 

Instructions are included.



Visual Discrimination lets us see differences between objects or words that are similar. This is a very important skill for children when it comes to reading and preventing confusion in the mind. For example, when we read, it’s visual discrimination that let’s us see that “was” and “saw” are different even though they have the same letters. These cards help children develop this skill. These activities also help children to develop their perceptual skills which are important for reading, math and writing.

Starting with Children aged 3 years old.

Instructions included.



Bilateral coordination, also known as bilateral integration, is the ability to use both sides of the body in a coordinated movement. It includes symmetrical movements, where both sides of the body do the same action simultaneously, reciprocal movements, where movements are rhythmically repeated with one side of the body and then another, and movements that require a leading and supporting hand.

Interhemispheric interaction is the coordination of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. While the right side of the brain manages attention, processing of visual shapes and patterns, emotions, and implied meanings, the left side is responsible for logical functions. A proper balance and efficient exchange between the right and left sides of our brains allows us to perform maximally in our multifunctional world.


The activities in this bundle help to develop both sides of the brain through bilateral activities.  Through a variety of activities your child will develop both sides of the brain to work in harmony

Instructions Included



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